We can’t do it alone. As a tiny 501c3 nonprofit organization, we need your help and support… to save lives. Please copy and paste our technique to delay brain damage and email to as many people as you can. Or offer a link to this site. This simple act is all we ask. Thank you.
Dear Reader and Friend:
Become an Instant Hero… Yes You! In the next 30 seconds, you can be a hero to many people by a simple act. It isn’t hard, it doesn’t take long and it won’t cost you anything. You can become a hero to a person you know. Maybe to a relative or a neighbor. Maybe a child. Or someone you don’t know – it doesn’t matter: you may be able to save someone’s life. And if you save someone’s life — how would that make you feel? Like a hero? You bet. Here’s how you can be a hero in under 30 seconds: save someone’s life — This will only take 30 seconds: Learn this simple procedure that will delay the onset of brain damage in heart attack (cardiac arrest) victims. If a person close to you experiences a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA): stops breathing, falls over, appears lifeless, lips turn blue… use the Dobkin Technique to delay brain damage: IN EMERGENCY: Call 911 and report location.
This simple procedure works instantly to delay brain damage by triggering the Mammalian Diving Reflex. This is the same all-natural reflex that delays brain damage in cold water drowning victims. Sudden cardiac arrest kills over 295,000 people each year, and is a leading cause of death in the U.S. 95% of out-of-hospital SCA victims die within 5 minutes of their attack – they never reach a hospital alive. Under 5% survive. Our technique can save many of these lives. The Dobkin Technique is a simple emergency time-buying procedure to delay brain injury and brain death in the event of sudden cardiac arrest. Dobkin’s death-defying technique also works to reduce the chance of hypoxic (low oxygen) brain damage for victims of suffocation, electrocution, sleep apnea death, warm water drownings, choking, SIDS, gunshot, drug overdose — anywhere a person stops breathing. Now, become a real hero: pass this knowledge on to as many friends and neighbors as you can. That’s all it takes to be a hero: pass on this simple technique to friends and neighbors to save lives. Thank you very much. PS – and now a word from our sponsor. You. Yes, we’re asking you to become a sponsor. It’s only through the generous support of our friends and patrons that we are able to continue our life-saving research, and continue to bring our life saving methods forward though our public awareness education campaigns. I know, there are lots of good causes out there: build schools for children, provide food for the homeless, donate to the many wildlife foundations. We think these are good causes, too. Our foundation is a little closer to home. Our area of research – delaying brain damage in heart attack and SCA (Sudden Cardiac Arrest) victims – affects almost everyone in the U.S. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women worldwide. Heart disease is the Number 1 killer in the U.S. today. One of every four people is affected by heart disease. If you are in a room with three friends, take a close look around. If it’s not one of them, it’s you. That means it may be you who benefits from our research. Anoxic (low oxygen) injury is quite common. Each year over 295,000 people become out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest victims. Over 95% die within 5 minutes of their attack, and never reach a hospital alive. How close are you to an ambulance service? Under 5% of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Victims survive, many with permanent brain damage. We’re not saying we have all the answers. Our studies are limited to delaying brain death and brain injury due to lack of oxygen and bloodflow, called Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy. But until there is a better answer to the 95% of the 295,000 people who die each year from a sudden cardiac arrest, we have more of a solution than anyone else is offering. We feel our research in delaying brain death is quite extraordinary: a ground breaking yet simple approach to save lives — to those who need it in an emergency. We are a dedicated group who are driven by our own inescapable intellectual pursuit that our discoveries can make a real difference in many people’s lives. Your encouragement and support is appreciated. Jeffrey Dobkin |
Life Support — We are driven to research, and the true focus of our dedication is on our life saving work, not fundraising.As a 501c3 non-profit organization, we count on sponsors, patrons and friends to step forward with a donation so we can continue our research without distraction. To save as many lives as possible, we also need funding to raise public awareness of our life saving techniques. As you would suspect right about now – we are asking for your support in the form of a contribution. We don’t need a lot of money: when we travel, we don’t stay in fancy hotels, and no one flies first class. And while everyone likes to eat in nice restaurants, our normal fare is a sandwich and a piece of fruit at our desk for lunch, and the local Chinese food on hospital, library, and research days. We ask for support simply to be able to continue our research, and to be able to raise public awareness of our methods to delay brain injury, and help save people and families from the devastation of someone with an anoxic brain injury. Our dedication is simple: to help every single person who may be saved from the catastrophic loss that even mild brain damage brings — to themselves and their families. We ask you to donate just enough so every person who can benefit from our research is able to return to their normal life without brain damage after an hypoxic ischemic event. Thank you. We need your donation so that every man, woman and child who may be affected by anoxic brain injury is saved from a life affected forever by brain damage of a loved one. This includes you, your family, and your friends, too. Your generous donation is used to fulfill our Foundation mission and goals: save lives, reduce the instance of brain injury in hypoxic ischemic events. Please give whatever you can. Thanks. Please send your check – any and every amount is appreciated – to: The Brain Injury Foundation Thank you. If you have any questions, please call me – Jeffrey Dobkin – at my regular office phone number at The Danielle Adams Publishing Company: |
Here are the ways you can help:Pass this on – help us create public awareness. Contribute. Your donation – of any amount – is appreciated. All donations are used to continue our dedicated mission — delaying brain damage and saving lives. Face fact: If you – or your spouse – suffer a cardiac arrest, you have five minutes at most to receive help, after which time irreversible brain damage starts to occur. The Dobkin Technique seeks to delay this brain damage and extend this “safe window of time” for up to an hour. Think about it. How long till an ambulance arrives at your home in the event of a sudden cardiac arrest. Is it over 5 minutes? Our 30 + years of focused research leads us to believe such a simple technique can save lives. And we believe that you can help us make this valuable life-saving technique a common occurrence in cardiac arrest recovery. So go on – be a hero! Do something truly heroic. Help save someone’s life. Here’s how: 1. Learn our technique! Save someone’s life. In the event of cardiac arrest, drowning, electrocution, or drug overdose; SIDS, sleep apnea – or anywhere someone just stops breathing, immediately call 911. Then employ The Dobkin Technique to delay brain damage: Apply cold water, ice cold compress or cold wet towels to the face of the victim, making sure to cover the eyes. Allow open-air passage to nose and mouth. Keep compress cold. If possible also apply cold compress to the base of the skull in the back of the head. If you know CPR, also start CPR or chest compressions immediately. Yes, it’s that fast and easy. It’s that simple. It can be explained over the phone. It can be administered by a child, or even self-administered. 2. Save the life of someone you don’t know: Face it: we will never be sponsored by big pharmaceutical companies because our methodology doesn’t use their drugs. Your contribution – of any amount = helps us save lives. Maybe your life – or the life of someone you know, or love. Maybe a child. You donation means we may continue our research, and increase public awareness of our technique – to help save even more lives. Yes, simple as that. Every donation, no matter how large or how small, counts. Please help— and write us a check and mail today, while you’re thinking about it. Call or click to send a donation by PayPal or credit card. 3. Help build awareness – for FREE. 4. Post it on your Facebook page. 5. Do it now. Thanks. Send your gift to The Brain Injury Foundation, Post Office Box 100, Merion Station, PA 19066. Thank you. We appreciate it, and personally thank all donors. This donate button will send your donation to the Brain Injury Foundation by way of our Parent Company, the Danielle Adams Publishing Company – where Jeffrey Dobkin is the President. All the money you donate is directed to research, overhead and to educate the public about our life saving technique. Not one cent is spent on travel, speaking, car, gas, dinners… every other expense is paid for directly by Jeffrey Dobkin and The Danielle Adams Publishing Company. Your gift, and every gift is appreciated — and used to help save lives. Every gift goes into our life saving mission: further research, and raising public awareness. Every donation is recognized as a gift of life, which it is. Please include your name and address and we will send you a formal thank you letter. To thank you – we appreciate your gift. Your gift to our non-profit 501c3 organization is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the tax code. Thank you. Questions? Comments? Additional Information: Email Jeffrey Dobkin directly by clicking here. |